Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chagrin River Report!

Chagrin is running low and clear with flow around 140cfs.  Cold cloudy day in low 40's.   Really had to work for the couple fish we landed .  All fish caught in fast riffles on nymphs and eggs.  We need some April showers to bring in a fresh batch of fish.   Keith was happy with several hookups and landing his first hen on the fly rod with a size 12 bead head nymph.  

At a loss for words on this one?   

Nice buck in full spawning colors.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Spike and I started the day out on Tinkers Creek-  a small tributary off the Cuyahoga River.  Not impressed,  but we both landed a bunch of white suckers.  Sporty little fish if you would target them with light tackle.  Headed over to the Chagrin and not much was going on there either.  High 70's and strong winds put the fish down.  Spike brought a light lunch, first time I enjoyed cake and coffee on the river.  Managed one large hen in fast pocket water!